Call Center Customer Implementation: We recently implemented a CRM and Call center system for one of our cc merchant payments service clients. By Implementing our system, inbound phone sales have increased 225% and dropped calls have been reduced 36%.

Secrets to conquering the new world of sales

by Ken Dooley December 13, 2013 The days of the door-to-door salesperson are a thing of the past. Prospects no longer expect salespeople to show up at their home and sell them a vacuum. Nor do they call companies and ask them to send out a salesperson to explain what they have to offer. And why would they? That’s what the Internet’s for. The tremendous growth of and focus on Internet...

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The Call Center Corp Recent Install: Call Center Implemented a cloud based IVR system for their client you can see here for more info. By implementing the new call center ivr system, agents could quickly take calls and answer questions from small business clients.

Logistics call center plans to hire 40 veterans

Dan Human December 16, 2013 A food distributor plans to add 40 jobs at its Indianapolis call center, and the CEO wants a military veteran to fill every position. Flagship Logistics Group has begun hiring for a new customer support center it opened downtown this month in a historic building at 429 N. Pennsylvania St. The company spent $1 million designing the space to “exceed standards” set by...

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Call Center Customer: We have helped multiple call centers build robust IVR platforms that enable clients to queue incoming calls from propspective small business merchants. The service providers located in the USA, were able to quickly adapt their business to increased call volume.

Top 10 Call Center Trends for 2014

By Omar Zaibak, Published November 12, 2013 Call centers are evolving to meet higher customer service expectations. A mix of new technology and changing consumer demands is creating more nimble support organizations. Social media is amplifying the impact of positive and negative call center experiences, with 16% of callers voicing complaints through Twitter and other social websites. Examine the...

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Call Center Customer: We have helped multiple call centers build robust IVR platforms that enable clients to queue incoming calls from propspective small business merchants. The service providers located in the USA, were able to quickly adapt their business to increased call volume.

Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You: When Customer Care Doesn’t Call Back

1 to 1 Media, Momchil Metodiev, December 6, 2013   Effective agent training and accurate knowledge transfer should speed up the customer resolution process and reduce the need for escalation. It has happened to everyone. Someone promises to return your call but, after waiting in vain for the phone to ring, you get the sinking feeling that maybe the call is not as important to them as it is...

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Call Center Customer: We have helped multiple call centers build robust IVR platforms that enable clients to queue incoming calls from propspective small business merchants. The service providers located in the USA, were able to quickly adapt their business to increased call volume.

Call Centers as Learning Centers: The Science of Training and Learning

CustomerCare News, Ross Vance, Fall 2013 Edition People learn together, but different people learn differently. The preceding phrase outlines two concepts in learning theory that are paramount to understanding how people learn. The first concept, people learn together, implies that learning is inherently a collaborative activity. This can occur organically throughout someone’s life, such as...

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