The Call Center Corp Recent Install: Call Center Implemented a cloud based IVR system for their client you can see here for more info. By implementing the new call center ivr system, agents could quickly take calls and answer questions from small business clients.

thē Call Center Corporation is a different kind of call center solutions company.  thē Call Center Corporation was created to fill the gap between call center software providers and customer needs in the call center market.

We offer a portfolio of only the highest rated call center software products, hosted VoIP and premise, to help you improve efficiency, effectiveness and return on investment.  We are constantly adding to our portfolio so that we can provide the best dialer and call center products in the market, to help you to leverage technology to improve your contact center.



Call us at 877.499.7012 or complete the contact form (on the right) to find out why we’re different!



We will advise you on which top-rated call center products are the best fit for your business needs.  Other call center software providers will push the products that they developed in-house – as distributors, we will not promote one product over another.

  • We offer a choice of only the highest rated call center software available, and are genuinely interested in only selling to you what works for you.
  • We want to identify your needs, consult you on hosted VoIP vs. premise solutions and product fit, and help you to make good choices.